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Aqua Africa donate to Ghana’s COVID-19 Emergency Response

Aqua Africa

Updated: Jun 16, 2020

Aqua Africa have been working with CWSA in response to the outbreak of COVID-19 in Ghana. Following the identification of COVID-19 in Ghana in March 2020, the Government of Ghana issued directives on how to manage the spread of the disease within the country.

The Chief Executive of CWSA issued a directive to all regional directors and convened an emergency meeting on the COVID-19 pandemic to deliberate on how staff and stakeholders can be protected from the virus. An emergency response process was initiated to prevent the spread of the COVID-19, which includes promoting handwashing with soap and procuring handwashing logistics, and Aqua Africa was asked to support the logistics around this campaign.

Through our networks in the country, Aqua Africa has donated 500 ‘Veronica Buckets’, which are large, lidded water tubs fitted with taps that allow handwashing where there is no running water; and 15,000 bars of soap to be distributed to the regions as part of the government’s emergency response.

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